Billings City Council is considering changing a few words in our Complete Streets policy. Councilman Brent Cromley said the first use of “may” instead of “shall consider every street project an opportunity to incorporate the principles of complete streets” in fact “does away with the complete streets program.”  See the full Billings Gazette article here.

Several members seem to be in favor of changing the current policy, whose changes are noted below in blue, underlined and bold italics:


Under IMPLEMENTATION, the language would change from:

(a) “The City of Billings shall consider every Street Project an opportunity to incorporate the principles of Complete Streets,” to “The City of Billings may consider every street project an opportunity…

(b) “The City of Billings shall work in coordination with other organizations, agencies, and jurisdictions to achieve a safe, convenient and connected Complete Streets infrastructure within the Multi-modal Transportation Network,” to “The City of Billings may work in coordination with other organizations, agencies, and jurisdictions to achieve a safe, convenient and connected Complete Streets infrastructure…

(c) “This policy shall guide the City in the development of plans, design standards, procedures, rules, regulations, guidelines, programs, templates, and design manuals” to “This policy is a guide the city can use in the development of plans, design standards, procedures, rules, regulations…..

(d) “The City will provide periodic training on how to integrate, accommodate, and balance the needs of each category of User. Training will be available to City staff, private industry, other jurisdictions, and community members” to “The City should when practical provide training on how to integrate, accommodate, and balance the needs of each category of User. Training can be available to City staff, private industry, other jurisdictions, and community members.


Under DATA COLLECTION AND PROGRESS REPORTING, it was suggested that (The City) “should also consider cost benefit of this Policy

Under EXCEPTIONS, it was suggested that the Policy be changed from “Exceptions to implementation of this policy may be considered,” to “Exceptions to implementation of this policy should be considered.”

(b) From “In considering all exceptions, future project phasing and improvements should address how Complete Streets principles will be accommodated,” to “In considering all exceptions, future project phasing and improvements should address how complete streets principles may be accommodated.

(e) An addition was suggested that the “Cost associated with Complete Streets Policys (sic) shall be considered.

How do you feel about these changes? You are encouraged to email your ward representative or make an appointment with your ward representative to discuss the issue with them.  City Council is tentatively scheduled to take action on May 23, 2016.


If you would like to join our Advocacy Committee which will meets each month or as needed and tackles issues which are timely and sensible for the community, please contact Advocacy chairman Kathy Aragon



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