It’s hard to believe, but there is no local public funding dedicated to building trails. Unlike streets and sidewalks which are simply built in to a city, most trails in Billings are not provided by taxpayer dollars. If we don’t have money for trails, we don’t get connections to neighborhoods, parks, or businesses.
Since 2002, Billings TrailNet has raised more than $1M to promote trails in Billings, and has given the city more than $760,000 for trails.
Most 10 foot-wide multiuse paved trails cost approximately $350,000 per mile to build. But the Skyline Trail is more like $1 million per mile because of its unique topographical features. There are three coulees to traverse, which require expensive retaining walls on either side of the trail, and pedestrian guardrails for safety.
…but this trail would change life in Billings for so many, and our residents want it*…
*based on support from The Billings Chamber of Commerce, Big Sky Economic Development, LIFTT, the Billings Rotary, our area hospitals and health department, trail user groups, and a feasibility study done by Billings City/County Planning and adopted by City Council.